Social Security Work Credits 2024 – How To Earn Social Security Credit?

Social Security benefit eligibility is based on credit. One must have earned at least 40 Social Security Credits. These are obtained by paying Social Security taxes during the working term.

How To Earn Social Security Credit?

Overall income from wages and self-employment for the year determines the amount of credit.

The minimum amount of earnings required to obtain a credit may vary. In 2024, you will receive one Social Security and Medicare credit for every $1,730 in annual covered earnings. To receive the maximum 4 credits for the year, your income must be $6,920.

It is possible that you will earn more credits during your lifetime than the requirement. Your benefit amount is not increased by these additional credits.

The monthly benefit is determined by using the average of your earnings throughout the course of your working years.

Social Security Work Credits 2024 - How To Earn Social Security Credit?
Image Source – PTET

Number Of Social Security Credits Required

1)For Retirement Benefits

40 Social Security credit

2)For Disability Benefits

To be eligible, a recent work test and a duration work test must be completed. Your age determines the amount of credits needed to pass the duration work test.

Age Criteria
Before the age of 24 years If you have 6 credits from the three years that conclude when your impairment begins, you might be qualified.
Between 24 to 31 years If you have credit for working half the time between the time your impairment started at age 21, you might be eligible.
Above 31 years One needs to have completed at least 20 credits in the ten years right before the onset of your impairment.

3)For Survivors’ Benefits

Your family members’ eligibility for survivor benefits will rely on the number of credits you have. The less credits you need, the younger you are.

If your record lacks the required amount of credits, SSA can’t pay benefits to your spouse and children. If you worked six credits in the three years before your death, or one and a half years, they would be eligible for payments.

SSA pays your surviving family members according to your entitlement. If at the time of death, you were receiving retirement or disability payments then no need to figure out your credits.

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