Australia COLC Payment Date – How To Apply For Australian COLC Payment?

People on low or fixed incomes can receive assistance with general living expenditures like council rates, energy bills, and medical bills through the Cost of Living Concession (COLC), which took the role of the Council Rate Concession.

If you have previously received a COLC payment and your income and living situation haven’t changed, you don’t need to reapply. Every year, between August and December, this concession is paid by electronic funds transfer (EFT). Tenants receive their payment concurrently with other clients.

How To Apply For Australian COLC Payment?

Candidates must apply before 31st December of that financial year.

Approval is not required for the $243.90 payment. The South Australian government will automatically transfer the money online to your bank account if you meet the requirements.

Eligibility Criteria For Australian COLC Payment 2024

  • Permanent resident of South Australia.
  • If the candidates have received COLC Payment in the previous year 2023-24, they are automatically considered this year.
  • COLC Payment is generally offered to concession card holders such as Pensioners, Veterans, Self-funded retirees, People with disabilities and Low-income families.
  • Payment applies equally to all eligible residents.
Australia COLC Payment Date - How To Apply For Australian COLC Payment?
Image Source – Jkdears

Distribution Of Australian COLC Payment 2024

The one-time payment will only be considered for those who were eligible for the Cost of Living Concession (COLC) during the fiscal year 2023–2024. This information will be automatically verified by the government.

  • Distribution Method: $243.90 will be electronically transferred to your bank account by the South Australian government.
  • Using Current Bank Information: The government will make use of the same bank account information that you provided to obtain your COLC payments in the prior year. It becomes unnecessary to supply any additional information as a result.
  • Targeted Support: Concession cardholders who may be experiencing financial hardship as a result of increased living expenses are the intended recipients of this payment.

Australian COLC Payment Date 

An advantage of Australian COLC Payment is that you don’t need to apply for the Cost of Living Payment. You only need to match the eligibility criteria, the payment transfer will be automatic.

The payment distribution is expected in the month of June 2024. Most likely payment will be around the end of June.

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